The Radio Show

The Radio Show

Tune into our radio program or subscribe to the podcast! The radio program airs each weekday at 7:50am on WKAC 1080 AM, with a different speaker each week presenting 5-minute Bible messages.

Displaying 451 - 475 of 1869

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
01/23/23 Value Rusty Brand N/A Radio Broadcast 01.23.2023_Monday_Value.mp3
01/20/23 Content in Exile Jay Ogden N/A Radio Broadcast Friday_Jan_20_-_Content_in_Exile_-_Jay_Ogden.mp3
01/19/23 What Are You Doing Here? Jay Ogden N/A Radio Broadcast Thurs_Jan_12_-_What_are_you_doing_here_-_Jay_Ogden.mp3
01/18/23 Resolution vs. Revolution Jay Ogden N/A Radio Broadcast Wed_Jan_18_-_Resolution_vs_Revolution_-_Jay_Ogden.mp3
01/16/23 Jettison Unneeded Cargo Jay Ogden N/A Radio Broadcast Monday_Jan_16_-_Jettison_unneeded_cargo_-_Jay_Ogden.mp3
01/13/23 Believing in Jesus (5) Jeff Henderson N/A Radio Broadcast 2023-01-13_Believing_in_Jesus_Friday.mp3
01/12/23 Believing in Jesus (4) Jeff Henderson N/A Radio Broadcast 2023-01-12_Believing_in_Jesus_Thursday.mp3
01/11/23 Believing in Jesus (3) Jeff Henderson N/A Radio Broadcast 2023-01-11_Believing_in_Jesus_Wednesday.mp3
01/10/23 Believing in Jesus (2) Jeff Henderson N/A Radio Broadcast 2023-01-10_Believing_in_Jesus_Tuesday.mp3
01/09/23 Believing in Jesus Jeff Henderson N/A Radio Broadcast 2023-01-09_Believing_in_Jesus_Monday.mp3
12/30/22 The Gospel of John Summary (pt 2) Jeff Henderson Book of John (radio readings) Radio Broadcast 12_30_22-Fri_Gospel_of_John_summary_Part_2_Jeff_Henderson.mp3
12/29/22 The Gospel of John Summary (pt 1) Jeff Henderson Book of John (radio readings) Radio Broadcast 12_29_22-Thur_Gospel_of_John_summary_Part_1__Jeff_Henderson.mp3
12/28/22 John 20:19 - 21:15 Derek Romine Book of John (radio readings) Radio Broadcast 12_28_22-Wed_Jn_20_19-21_15_DRomine.mp3
12/27/22 John 19:25 - 20:18 Wayne Hancock Book of John (radio readings) Radio Broadcast 12_27_22_Tues_19_25-20_18_WHancock.mp3
12/26/22 John 18:28 - 19:24 Robbie Goins Book of John (radio readings) Radio Broadcast 12_26_22_Mon_Jn_18_28-19_24_RGoins.mp3
12/25/22 Bible Knowledge Does Not Equal No Problems Jeff Henderson N/A Sun AM Worship 12-25-2022_am.mp3
12/16/22 John 12.20-50 Chris Sides Book of John (radio readings) Radio Broadcast Fri_121622_John_12.20-12.50_CSides.mp3
12/15/22 John 11.38 - 12.19 Chris Sides Book of John (radio readings) Radio Broadcast Thurs_121522_John_11.38-12.19_CSides.mp3
12/14/22 John 11.1-37 Chris Sides Book of John (radio readings) Radio Broadcast Wed_121422_John_11.1-11.37_CSides.mp3
12/13/22 John 10.7-42 Chris Sides Book of John (radio readings) Radio Broadcast Tues_121322_John_10.7-10.42_CSides.mp3
12/12/22 John 9.13 - 10.6 Chris Sides Book of John (radio readings) Radio Broadcast Mon_121222_John_9.13-10.6_CSides.mp3
12/09/22 John 8:36-9:12 Mark Ham N/A Radio Broadcast 120922_Fri_John_8_36-9_12_MHam.mp3
12/08/22 John 8:1-36 Mark Ham Book of John (radio readings) Radio Broadcast 120822_Thur_John_8_1-36_MHam.mp3
12/07/22 John 7:10-53 Mark Ham Book of John (radio readings) Radio Broadcast 120722_Wed_John_7_10-53_MHam.mp3
12/06/22 John 6:41-7:9 Mark Ham Book of John (radio readings) Radio Broadcast 120622_Tues_John_6_41-7_9_MHam.mp3

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