The Radio Show

The Radio Show

Tune into our radio program or subscribe to the podcast! The radio program airs each weekday at 7:50am on WKAC 1080 AM, with a different speaker each week presenting 5-minute Bible messages.

Displaying 401 - 425 of 1881

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
05/03/23 Places of Jesus - Bethsaida Jeff Henderson N/A Radio Broadcast 2023-05-03_Places_of_Jesus_Bethsaida.mp3
05/02/23 Places of Jesus - Sea of Galilee Jeff Henderson N/A Radio Broadcast 2023-05-02_Places_of_Jesus_Sea_of_Galilee.mp3
05/01/23 Places of Jesus - Bethlehem Jeff Henderson N/A Radio Broadcast 2023-05-01_Places_of_Jesus_Bethlehem.mp3
04/28/23 The Cross Matt Huggins N/A Radio Broadcast Friday.4.28.2023.Huggins.Cross.mp3
04/27/23 The Cross Matt Huggins N/A Radio Broadcast Thursday.4.27.2023.Huggins.Cross.mp3
04/26/23 The Cross Matt Huggins N/A Radio Broadcast Wednesday.4.26.2023.Huggins.Cross.mp3
04/25/23 The Cross Matt Huggins N/A Radio Broadcast Tuesday.4.25.2023.Huggins.Cross.mp3
04/24/23 The Cross Matt Huggins N/A Radio Broadcast Monday.4.24.2023.Cross.mp3
04/21/23 Malachi Will Harris N/A Radio Broadcast Friday_4_21.mp3
04/20/23 Habakkuk Will Harris N/A Radio Broadcast Thursday_4_20.mp3
04/19/23 Jonah Will Harris N/A Radio Broadcast Wednesday_4_19.mp3
04/18/23 Micah Will Harris N/A Radio Broadcast Tuesday_4_18.mp3
04/17/23 Hosea Will Harris N/A Radio Broadcast Monday_4_17.mp3
04/14/23 Jereboam Lonnie Corley N/A Radio Broadcast 4-14-23_Fri._Jereboam.mp3
04/13/23 Rehoboam Lonnie Corley N/A Radio Broadcast 4-13-23_Thur._Rehoboam.mp3
04/12/23 Solomon Lonnie Corley N/A Radio Broadcast 4-12-23_Wed._Solomon.mp3
04/11/23 David Lonnie Corley N/A Radio Broadcast 4-11-23_Tue._David.mp3
04/10/23 Saul Lonnie Corley N/A Radio Broadcast 4-10-23_Mon._Saul.mp3
04/07/23 Sermon on the Mount reading (5) Ben Bingham N/A Radio Broadcast Fri_4-7-23_bmb_Matt_7.7-7.29.mp3
04/06/23 Sermon on the Mount reading (4) Ben Bingham N/A Radio Broadcast Thu_4-6-23_bmb_Matt_6.19-7.6.mp3
04/05/23 Sermon on the Mount reading (3) Ben Bingham N/A Radio Broadcast Wed_4-5-23_bmb_Matt_5.43-6.18.mp3
04/04/23 Sermon on the Mount reading (2) Ben Bingham N/A Radio Broadcast Tue_4-4-23_bmb_Matt_5.21-42.mp3
04/03/23 Sermon on the Mount reading (1) Ben Bingham N/A Radio Broadcast Mon_4-3-23_bmb_Matt_4.23-5.20.mp3
03/31/23 Prophecies of Jesus (5) Channing Hinkle N/A Radio Broadcast 033123_Fri_Jesus_Prophecies.mp3
03/30/23 Prophecies of Jesus (4) Channing Hinkle N/A Radio Broadcast 033023_Thur_Jesus_Prophecies.mp3

Displaying 401 - 425 of 1881

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