The Radio Show

The Radio Show

Tune into our radio program or subscribe to the podcast! The radio program airs each weekday at 7:50am on WKAC 1080 AM, with a different speaker each week presenting 5-minute Bible messages.

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
07/21/20 Set Your Mind on Things Above Ben Bingham N/A Radio Broadcast 7-21-20_Tue_Set_Your_Mind_on_Things_Above_BMB.mp3
07/20/20 Walk In Christ Ben Bingham N/A Radio Broadcast 7-20-20_Mon_Walk_in_Christ_BMB.mp3
07/17/20 Living by Faith (5) Brad Smith N/A Radio Broadcast 07-17-20_Fri-_Living_By_Faith.mp3
07/16/20 Living by Faith (4) Brad Smith N/A Radio Broadcast 07-16-20_Thur-_Living_By_Faith.mp3
07/15/20 Living by Faith (3) Brad Smith N/A Radio Broadcast 07-15-20_Wed-_Living_By_Faith.mp3
07/14/20 Living by Faith (2) Brad Smith N/A Radio Broadcast 07-14-20_Tue-_Living_By_Faith.mp3
07/13/20 Living by Faith (1) Brad Smith N/A Radio Broadcast 07-13-20_Mon-_Living_By_Faith.mp3
07/10/20 Gratitude (5) Channing Hinkle N/A Radio Broadcast 07_10_20_Friday_-_Gratitude_5_CHinkle.mp3
07/09/20 Gratitude (4) Channing Hinkle N/A Radio Broadcast 07_09_20_Thursday__-_Gratitude_4_CHinkle.mp3
07/08/20 Gratitude (3) Channing Hinkle N/A Radio Broadcast 07_08_20_Wednesday_-_Gratitude_3_CHinkle.mp3
07/07/20 Gratitude (2) Channing Hinkle N/A Radio Broadcast 07_07_20_Tuesday_-_Gratitude_2_CHinkle.mp3
07/06/20 Gratitude (1) Channing Hinkle N/A Radio Broadcast 07_06_20_Monday_-_Gratitude_1_CHinkle.mp3
07/03/20 What God Sees Rusty Brand N/A Radio Broadcast 07.03.2020Friday_What_God_Sees.mp3
07/02/20 Hold On Rusty Brand N/A Radio Broadcast 07.02.2020Thursday_Hold_On.mp3
07/01/20 Hope Rusty Brand N/A Radio Broadcast 07.01.2020_Wednesday_Hope.mp3
06/30/20 Fear Not Rusty Brand N/A Radio Broadcast 06.30.2020_Tuesday_Fear_Not.mp3
06/29/20 God Never Changes Rusty Brand N/A Radio Broadcast 06.29.2020_Monday_God_Never_Changes.mp3
06/26/20 Jesus Is Our Friend Caleb White N/A Radio Broadcast Caleb_White-_Jesus_Is_Our_Friend-_Friday_6-26-20.mp3
06/25/20 Jesus Is Our King Caleb White N/A Radio Broadcast Caleb_White-_Jesus_Is_Our_King-_Thursday_6-25-20.mp3
06/24/20 Jesus Is Our Redeemer Caleb White N/A Radio Broadcast Caleb_White-_Jesus_Is_Our_Redeemer-_Wednesday_6-24-20.mp3
06/23/20 Jesus Is Our Savior Caleb White N/A Radio Broadcast Caleb_White-_Jesus_Is_Our_Savior-_Tuesday_6-23-20.mp3
06/22/20 Jesus Is Our Rock Caleb White N/A Radio Broadcast Caleb_White-_Jesus_Is_Our_Rock-_Monday_6-22-20.mp3
06/19/20 Right Words at the Right Time Jay Ogden N/A Radio Broadcast Friday_june_19_-_right_words_at_the_right_time_-_Jay_Ogden.mp3
06/18/20 Second Coming Thoughts Jay Ogden N/A Radio Broadcast Thur_June_18_-_2nd_coming_thoughts_-_Jay_Ogden.mp3
06/17/20 Supply Chain Jay Ogden N/A Radio Broadcast Wed_June_17_-_Supply_Chain_-_Jay_Ogden.mp3

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