The Radio Show

The Radio Show

Tune into our radio program or subscribe to the podcast! The radio program airs each weekday at 7:50am on WKAC 1080 AM, with a different speaker each week presenting 5-minute Bible messages.

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
08/25/21 Lessons from Saul, First King of Israel (3) Will Harris N/A Radio Broadcast Wednesday_8_25.mp3
08/24/21 Lessons from Saul, First King of Israel (2) Will Harris N/A Radio Broadcast Tuesday_8_24.mp3
08/23/21 Lessons from Saul, First King of Israel (1) Will Harris N/A Radio Broadcast Monday_8_23.mp3
08/20/21 Parables of Jesus (5) Lonnie Corley N/A Radio Broadcast 8-20-21_Fri._Parable_5.mp3
08/19/21 Parables of Jesus (4) Lonnie Corley N/A Radio Broadcast 8-19-21_Thur._Parable_4.mp3
08/18/21 Parables of Jesus (3) Lonnie Corley N/A Radio Broadcast 8-18-21_Wed._Parable_3.mp3
08/17/21 Parables of Jesus (2) Lonnie Corley N/A Radio Broadcast 8-17-21_Tue._Parable_2.mp3
08/16/21 Parables of Jesus (1) Lonnie Corley N/A Radio Broadcast 8-16-21_Mon._Parable_1.mp3
08/13/21 Proverbs 16 Contrast of the Upright and the Wicked (re-run) Scott Woodard N/A Radio Broadcast 8-13-21_Fri-_Proverbs_16_The_Contrast_of_the_Upright_and_the_Wicked.mp3
08/12/21 Proverbs 15 Contrast of the Upright and the Wicked (re-run) Scott Woodard N/A Radio Broadcast 8-12-21_Thu-_Proverbs_15_The_Contrast_of_the_Upright_and_the_Wicked.mp3
08/11/21 Proverbs 14 Contrast of the Upright and the Wicked (re-run) Scott Woodard N/A Radio Broadcast 8-11-21_Wed-Proverbs_14_The_Contrast_of_the_Upright_and_the_Wicked.mp3
08/10/21 Proverbs 13 Contrast of the Upright and the Wicked (re-run) Scott Woodard N/A Radio Broadcast 8-10-21_Tue_Proverbs_13_The_Contrast_of_the_Upright_and_the_Wicked.mp3
08/09/21 Proverbs 12 Contrast of the Upright and the Wicked (re-run) Scott Woodard N/A Radio Broadcast 8-9-21-Mon_Proverbs_12_Contrast_of_the_Upright_and_the_Wicked.mp3
08/06/21 Ananias' Trusting Faith (re-run) Ben Bingham N/A Radio Broadcast 8-6-21_Fri_Ananias_Trusting_Faith_BMB.mp3
08/05/21 Lois and Eunice's Sincere Faith (re-run) Ben Bingham N/A Radio Broadcast 8-5-21_Thu_Lois_and_Eunices_Sincere_Faith_BMB.mp3
08/04/21 Ebed-Melech's Courageous Faith (re-run) Ben Bingham N/A Radio Broadcast 8-4-21_Wed_Ebed-melechs_Courageous_Faith_BMB.mp3
08/03/21 Tabitha's Charitable Faith (re-run) Ben Bingham N/A Radio Broadcast 8-3-21_Tue_Tabithas_Charitable_Faith_BMB.mp3
08/02/21 The Centurion's Marvelous Faith (re-run) Ben Bingham N/A Radio Broadcast 8-2-21_Mon_The_Centurions_Marvelous_Faith_BMB.mp3
07/30/21 Time: One of Life's Most Valuable Assets (5) Brad Smith N/A Radio Broadcast 07302021_Fri_Time_One_of_Lifes_Most_Valuable_Assets.mp3
07/29/21 Time: One of Life's Most Valuable Assets (4) Brad Smith N/A Radio Broadcast 07292021_Thur_Time_One_of_Lifes_Most_Valuable_Assets.mp3
07/28/21 Time: One of Life's Most Valuable Assets (3) Brad Smith N/A Radio Broadcast 07282021_Wed_Time_One_of_Lifes_Most_Valuable_Assets.mp3
07/27/21 Time: One of Life's Most Valuable Assets (2) Brad Smith N/A Radio Broadcast 07272021_Tue_Time_One_of_Lifes_Most_Valuable_Assets.mp3
07/26/21 Time: One of Life's Most Valuable Assets (1) Brad Smith N/A Radio Broadcast 07262021_Mon_Time_One_of_Lifes_Most_Valuable_Assets.mp3
07/23/21 Joseph Pt 5 (rerun) Channing Hinkle N/A Radio Broadcast 072321_Fri_Joseph_-_Lesson_5_chinkle.mp3
07/22/21 Joseph Pt 4 (rerun) Channing Hinkle N/A Radio Broadcast 072221_Thurs_Joseph_-_Lesson_4_chinkle.mp3

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